2016. J.D. Juris Doctor, Nova Southeastern University
2013 Florida Real Estate Sales Associate
2010 B.B.A. Bachelors of Business Administration, Florida Atlantic University
Licensed Realtor with Partnership Realty Inc.
Misdemeanor and Felony Criminal Court, Out of Court Settlements, Debt Negotiation, Sentence Mitigation, Criminal Defense, Wills, Trusts, Traffic Court, Civil Court, Family Court,
Drivers License
Assisted in restoring driving privileges for hundreds of people throughout Florida.
Facilitated reversal of Habitual Traffic Offender status in many cases.
Criminal Court successes:
Secured Not Guilty verdicts at trial
Several Expungement Petitions Granted
Secured 46 month prison sentence for client facing 100+ years for multiple drug related felonies.
Closed 3 open cases simultaneously in different counties. Resolved VOP plea for client on sentence of time served.
Filed a Motion to Dismiss on possession of a concealed firearm; the charge was reduced to possession of concealed weapon with a sentence of court costs and fines.
Secured lower charge of Resisting Arrest on a Fleeing and Eluding Felony.
Sentence Mitigation: VOP DISMISSED.
HTO Habitual Traffic Offender, 5 year suspension - REVERSED & REMOVED.
3 Month Jail Sentence - Sentence Converted to Nights and Weekends only.
DUI - Downfiled to a Reckless driving charge.
Felony VOP - probation terminated with time served plea.
Client facing 125+ years for Drug Trafficking, VOP and 3 other felonies: secured 7 year prison sentence.
Secured early termination of probation for several clients.
Trafficking in cocaine charge amended to attempted trafficking, secured 6 month county time and two years drug offender probation.
3 Felony charges and 2 misdemeanor charges Nolle Prossed after substantial mitigation work.
Secured several Nolle prosequi's for criminal charges such as: solicitation of prostitution, Driving with suspended License, Battery, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Several warrant lifts.
Out of Court settlement:
Lien Negotiation - Client savings $1,500
Collections - Negotiated a $34,000 demand into a stipulation of affordable payments on a payment plan.
Negotiated Insurance policy coverage for client's liability losses due to insurance agent being negligent in not providing sufficient coverage for client's manner of business.
Civil Court
Secured $5000 Judgment for client.
Motion for relief from final Judgment granted based on excusable neglect.
$500k damages verdict reduced to 65K on retrial with our office representing the Defendant.
Real Estate:
Real estate transaction: buyers agent. Negotiated purchase price: Client savings $20,000.
Obtained accommodation and approval from HOA for client to live with prescribed service dog in a condominium with pet restriction.
Negotiated seller paying closing costs for client.
Family Court
Many Paternity cases resolved through mediation.
Many Divorce petitions granted.
Copyright The Lotus Law Firm